FeedBlitz is an email and social media subscription automation service for blogs and social media, and the premium FeedBurner alternative.

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Delivery Status 9/27

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hi All: Things are rather hung up at the moment and deliveries are being delayed; we're working on getting things back up to speed.

Update 11:32 eastern: The problem's been solved and we're all caught up for all the overnight US runs except for US Eastern, which will take some time (since it's the largest time zone). It's currently 20% or so complete.

Update 16:08 eastern: The east coast run is now 75% complete.

Update 17:56 eastern: All done.

Some of you may have received multiple copies of an update while the system's recovery processes kicked in today, as they attempted to ensure everyone got their messages. We're working on re-organizing this piece of back-office code to dramatically reduce this unwanted side effect in future.


FeedBlitz Upgrades All Accounts to Newsletter Edition

Friday, September 07, 2007

In case you missed it, last month FeedBlitz announced a major feature upgrade for all our publishers - and an associated terms of service change. To summarize, we're giving each and every account all the features of Newsletter Edition, our flagship service. You will get all of our advanced, professional newsletter and email marketing capabilities enabled for all of your publications at your current price.

Newsletter Features Available - Today

BUT … to help you make the most of FeedBlitz and these new features, we have made them available to you now, a week in advance of ads being added (if applicable). You can use all these features, in any and all of your publications, as of today and for no extra charge.

So log in and visit your Newsletter Center at www.feedblitz.com/f?newsletters to start using Newsletter Edition features in your next mailing. What can you do? Add your logo. Change the layout. Enable a weekly edition. Set up autoresponders. Capture subscriber data. Publicize the podcast.

The Newsletter Edition's full feature list is at www.feedblitz.com/newsletter/features.asp. Highlights now available on every account and for every publication include:
  • Email, Skype, AIM and Twitter subscriptions.
  • Email layout, graphics and content of your email and landing page customization.
  • Delivery schedule customization: Express, daily, weekly - or all of them.
  • Subscriber demographic data collection (e.g. name and address).
  • Message customization based on subscriber demographics.
  • Email newsflash segmentation using subscriber demographics.
  • Open and click through reports by subscriber.
  • Automatic conversion of your content to a podcast (English only)
Pricing and Schedule

Again, there is no price change for you with this upgrade - we have simply made it available to you early. Ads for publishers on our free services start September 14 - there's a sample at the end of this message if you want to see how it looks. No ads will be added for premium account holders while their account is in good standing.

As we said in the original announcement, our privacy policy is unchanged, and ads (if any) will only appear in emails that are initiated as part of the services we supply to you. You retain full control over your settings and subscribers, and may of course use FeedBlitz to export (or import) anything and everyone whenever you like.

Professional Grade, Blogger Friendly

By making these changes we are giving everyone the same powerful features, we're able to give bloggers the same email marketing and newsletter tools available to professional, corporate marketers - using a blogger-friendly business model.

Businesses who don't want our ads can simply upgrade to our competitively priced Newsletter Edition premium account. If you already have a current Newsletter, Pro or Turbo premium account, that will also prevent ads next week.

Next Steps

You can log in and check out the new capabilities, but if you're tight for time, that's OK - you don't have to do anything at all. No action is required by any publisher. Services will simply continue as is, uninterrupted, with a small ad at the foot of the standard service messages, starting at the end of next week, if appropriate.

Protecting Premium Publisher Brands

Finally, as an added bonus, if you have a premium service currently and it is cancelled or payment fails, we will now protect your branding and your subscribers' expectations by keeping your premium settings as they are. We will simply place an ad in the message footer in lieu of payment, starting at the end of next week.

Premium features, delivered ahead of schedule, free.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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August 2007 Monthly Update

Monday, September 03, 2007

The big news we announced in August was the massive upgrade to Newsletter Edition we'll be making available to all our free service users. Ad-funded, the change will enable all of FeedBlitz Newsletter Edition's features for everyone, greatly increasing the mailing list and email newsletter potential for casual bloggers and professional marketers alike. We have started to roll out some of these changes already, with the rest due to take place next week.

To help ensure that the emails we send get delivered by your ISP, we launched our new "Quality Alert" feature to help you identify problems with your email newsletter before they become a crisis. We also made changes to subscriber import and other areas of policy to reduce the risk of future terms of service issues for genuine publishers. By keeping our slate squeaky-clean, your messages will keep being delivered.

Meanwhile, we also made some performance improvements to the site. Large list owners, particularly those with 50,000 or more subscribers in their accounts, will now find that subscriber search is much quicker, and that their subscriber pages render much more quickly. If you have a smaller mailing list, your subscriber displays will render more quickly as well; you just may not notice the difference quite so much.

So to the monthly metrics. While circulation rose, site visits were down a little (probably due to summer vacations in the northern hemisphere). The mailing metrics were way down on July, largely because July's metrics were boosted by the problem user we dealt with here. These numbers show signs of picking up, despite the long weekend in the US and Canada, as we continue our susbcriber and publisher circulation growth. And so to the details:

Circulation: 2,629,578 (up 7.8% on July)
feedblitz.com page views: 1,733,446 (down 1%)
feedblitz.com unique visitors: 674,081 (down 0.3%)
Total messages sent: 27,413,270 (down 34%)
Average messages / day: 884,299
Peak daily messages: 1,390,297 (August 31)

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