
Friday, July 01, 2011

Countdown to v4: Easier Email List Management

The next version of FeedBlitz radically rethinks navigational organization for lists, feeds and social media marketing content distribution. It's faster to find what you want when you want it.

But we haven't stopped there. We've also simplified the pages used to manage your blog's email settings as well. For example, here's a screenshot of the v4 settings page for this blog.

The first thing to notice is that there's just one page - all the settings are accessible from there.  They're also presented in more or less plain English, so it functions as list documentation - something that wasn't available anywhere in prior versions of FeedBlitz. To change a setting, click the linked text that refers to it, and a popup appears. Make your change there and then - easy.

Advanced users who want to get straight to brass tacks can click the "Edit Settings Inline" button and get to a more traditional, form based approach.

Next week you'll see several posts about v4 countdown ... because we're opening this baby up the week of the 11th!

1 comment:

  1. Freedblitz 'I am satisfied with the current version. Thanks.


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